Tag: Tom Holert

Terms and Conditions: “Monopoly, Monopsony and Fear: The Legal Clusterf*ck of Images”, a presentation by Maryam Jafri, April 1, 2025, 6.30 pm, Berlin Artistic Research Programme, Uferstr. 13

The increasing entanglement of art and artists with the law is occurring during a time when the status of the legal has never been more precarious, given the far right’s aim to nullify, hollow out, or simply abolish the judicial apparatus altogether as part of its ongoing evisceration of the postwar liberal democratic order.

March 18th, 2025 — Projects / Event
About Narration (1975) (Ingemo Engström und Harun Farocki). Materials, Comments, Interventions, ed. Sezgin Boynik and Tom Holert

"We need to believe that what we want to say has happened, because it remains true that only what really exists in us - our style and our time as objects of our knowledge - is worth the effort of being written." (Ingemo Engström in "About Narration")

January 9th, 2025 — Projects / Publication
Terms & Conditions: “The Operational Image Before the Law,” panel with Katja Müller-Helle and Noam M. Elcott, October 31, 2024, 2.30 pm, University of Zurich

As part of the conference “As We May See: Tracking and Tracing the Image after Farocki” (30.10. – 1.11.2024).

October 22nd, 2024 — Projects / Event
Film Program: Terms and Conditions #02: Oct. 15 & 16, 2024, 8 pm, Arsenal Cinema, Berlin

A two-part film program as part of our research project “Terms and Conditions: The Legal Form of Images”. The second part is dedicated to the continuity of coloniality and (neo)colonial legal processes.

October 11th, 2024 — Projects / Event
Presentation and Discussion: Terms and Conditions: with Susan Schuppli, June 19, HGB Leipzig

Susan Schuppli’s work examines material evidence from war and conflict to environmental disasters and climate change, currently focusing on learning from ice and the politics of cold. [...]

June 6th, 2024 — Projects / Event
Start event: Terms and Conditions: April 10 & 11, 2024, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB)

HaFI's new artistic research project "Terms and Conditions. The Legal Form of Images" will inquire into the largely overlooked (or willfully ignored) legal and paralegal frameworks which increasingly inform the contemporary art and visual culture.

April 4th, 2024 — Projects / Event
HaFI 019: Natascha Sadr Haghighian: What I Do Not Recognize Yet, Now at This Very Moment

“We tried to get over this disturbance by learning to suppress the perception of racist structures. This in turn made it difficult to develop a commonality, a conversation about the experience of racism. [...] ”

December 10th, 2023 — Projects / Publication
HaFI 018: Skip Norman: On Africa

“The starting point is the relationship between Europe’s prosperity and Africa’s poverty; Europe’s destruction of societies and cultures, and the simultaneous use of Christianity and racial theories as justification for a massive exploitation of the colonized.” (SN)

October 10th, 2023 — Projects / Publication
HaFI participation to the Steirischen Herbst, Sep 22 – Oct. 16, 2022, Graz, Austria

With an exhibition and a panel discussion.

September 16th, 2022 — Projects / Event
Book Launch: Pause. Fervour: Reflections on a Pandemic, September 20, 2021, 7-9 p.m.

An online event organized by Journal of Visual Culture and HaFI.

September 14th, 2021 — Projects / Event
Pause. Fervour. Reflections on a Pandemic – Journal of Visual Culture/HaFI reader out and ready for download!

Equal part powerful and moving, angry and heartbreaking, righteous and desperate, hopeless and demanding of a better future, together this polyphony posits if not an actual antidote then certainly abundant curative reflections to the disease and ways we might navigate this ongoing crisis.

June 15th, 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Writings, Vol. 5: Unregelmäßig, nicht regellos

Volume 5, now released, brings together all of the texts published in the years 1986-2000 and offers insights into some of Farocki's seminal cinematic and installation works from this period.

June 8th, 2021 — Projects / Publication
Winter School 2020: SILENT WORKS: The Hidden Labor in AI-Capitalism, November 7-28, 2020, Haus der Statistik, Berlin

Organized by the Berliner Gazette, the Winter School “Silent Works” investigates possibilities for re-inventing ‘the school’ along the lines of ‘the factory.’ 

November 4th, 2020 — Projects / Event

In autumn 2019 we initiated a crowdfunding project for the publication of volumes 5 and 6 of Farocki’s writings in order to supplement t...

July 1st, 2020 —
Portal-ness. Towards a cosmology of rift

Burdened with a doubtful reputation, the practice and attitude of escapism may eventually prove to hold an adequate response to the dire realities of the present and the time to come. By TOM HOLERT

June 27th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
AMERICA – Films from Elsewhere (ed. Shanay Jhaveri): HaFI Contribution

A dossier consisting of documents and images on the "prison images" complex from the HaFI archive, compiled by HaFI.

May 26th, 2020 — Projects / Publication
Together, in separation. Coming territorialities

Hidden curricula, nudging regimes, governmentalities—they are coming to the fore now, accruing obscene visibility in a big stand-off between liberal individualism and uniformizing state rule. By TOM HOLERT

May 25th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Social distancing and human/animal relations

"Once the bats were trapped, the researchers took blood and saliva samples, as well as fecal swabs." By TOM HOLERT

May 10th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
A Day in the Life of a Consumer (2020)

"[...] a tsunami of derivative, cliche ads all within a week of one another. It's not a conspiracy - but perhaps a sign that it's time for something new" (Microsoft Sam)

April 27th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Driving on sight vs Seeing the light

"In chaos causality is lost, strategy and leadership no longer work as well, and we are left powerless." By TOM HOLERT

April 23rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The weekend cover: L’Espresso, The Economist, Der Spiegel (February 1 to April 19, 2020)

The choices of headlines and visual artwork reflect the editorial and national context of each magazine.

April 20th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Soothing? Regressing? ASMR and the new normal

"She is wearing a lab coat and a face mask and is saying, in the softest tone possible, that she is about to take a nasal swab to test for the virus. It’s scary and soothing at the same time." By TOM HOLERT

April 19th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Corona literacy, or Inoculating the pandemic

The background and experience from which the new instructional visuals on the coronavirus crisis are being produced, inform the reduction guided by notions of didactic efficiency. By TOM HOLERT

April 16th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Triage: medical necessity or imperialist selectivity?

In the corona triage the temporality of field surgery and the asymmetrical chronopolitics of age cohort, class affiliation and racial predicament meet in a new constellation. By TOM HOLERT

April 13th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Infection of a liberal weekly

Interaction designer Christian Lässer is able to render evident (and visible) how the topic of the epidemic has gradually taken possession of Die Zeit – up to the full blown monopolization of its editorial content.

April 11th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Tele-nausea: losing the presence

There is "a good chance that the large-scale experimentation with telepresence, which has long met with much resistance, will encourage its lasting adoption" (André Gunthert). By TOM HOLERT

April 3rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The Coronamovie: how the pandemic unfolds (in 36+ frames)

The Coronacrisis cover artwork of the French daily newspaper Libération, starting with the issue of January 23, continuing without interruption from March 9 to ...

April 2nd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The new ekphrasis of the V-shape

The V-shape recession, a sudden deep trough, followed by a quick surge, for few, and the Germans with their economic strength and infamouis intransigence when it comes to economic solidarity most certainly among them, is becoming analogous to the V-ictory-sign (in the wake of the V-irus ...) By TOM HOLERT

April 1st, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
“Masks4ALL” – a Czech campaign, a MIT AI specialist’s support of it, and the new “solitary facelessness”

The retreat into "solitary facelessness," however, may have different faces, depending on local histories and urgencies. By TOM HOLERT

March 30th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Therapeutic nihilism

Beneath the current debates and statements about the "costs" of lockdowns and social distancing, beneath Trumpian disengagement from medical cure (in his attempt to decouple the health catastrophe of the pandemic from the "problem" of ecomomic repression and de-growth), there lurks the most vicious vision/version of "therapeutic nihilism." By TOM HOLERT

March 25th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Medical internationalism

This weekend's news about 65 Cuban doctors, nurses and technicians arriving in Milan to support the Italian health system's struggle against the coronavirus are a forceful reminder of Fidel Castro's medical internationalism. By TOM HOLERT

March 23rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Reconfiguring liveness

Perhaps live streaming should be reduced to the bare minimum: to tutorials around health and medical issues, to tele-meetings of the infected and vulnerable with their loved ones, to non-commercial online courses in the newly decentralized educational systems. By TOM HOLERT

March 21st, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Pandemic vision

What if the irreversible situation in which the "world community" is now being united, forced to reimagine itself, has entailed a sudden leap in visibility regarding the global accumulation of crises - not primarily as a result of tireless research, political organizing, artistic productions etc., but rather as a correction of the collective sensorium on a gigantic scale? By TOM HOLERT

March 20th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Remote relations, cultures of distance

Among the most unsettling attributes that have quickly gained notoriety (and poignancy) due to the the current crisis' new linguistic conventions  and discursive framings can be counted "from a distance" or "remote". by TOM HOLERT

March 19th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Modelling the epidemic

In the current situation (and any comparable state of emergency caused by an epidemic) much of the existing hope hinges on the statistical and epidemiological sciences that model an event like this by means of computational processing. By TOM HOLERT

March 18th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Image of exhaustion

A photograph of nurse Elena Pagliarini, fallen asleep, that was taken last week at the end of one of her shift at 6 a.m. in the emergency room of the hospital of Cremona, a particularly badly affected town in Lombardy. By TOM HOLERT

March 17th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Towards the end of visual capitalism

By now, as to be expected from a news situation as engrossing as this one, the compulsion to reach an (or even the image) of the pandemic (if not the world history of pandemics), is tantamount...By TOM HOLERT

March 16th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Livestock production, agrobusiness, travel, Corona

Marxist biologist Rob Wallace, founder of Structural One Health [...] renders – vividly and frighentingly – the broader context of the coronavirus crisis...

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Mutual aid

Pëtr Kropotkin's anarchist-anti-capitalist-commonist-animalist notion of "mutual aid" has been gaining traction for a while already...

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Corona ethics

An insightful contribution by Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos on the socio-ethical dimensions of the crisis...

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
AI and visual ramifications of the crisis

Among the countless troubling aspects of the Covid-19 crisis is the liberating effect it has on AI-based surveillance technologies and policies... By TOM HOLERT

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Against quarantine

Angela Mitropoulos' article "Against Quarantine" is an important intervention in the debate around the COVID-19 crisis...

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Dashboarding the crisis

As the Coronavirus crisis is evolving, it becomes harder to tell what kind of image the most publicised image of/on the crisis is exactly... By TOM HOLERT

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
e-flux journal: Navigation Beyond Vision I

The current issue 101 on “Navigation Beyond Vision” is now online.

June 28th, 2019 — Projects / Publication
e-flux & HaFI Conference: Art After Culture: Navigation Beyond Vision, April 5 & 6, 2019, HKW, Berlin

Navigation begins where the map ends (...).

February 27th, 2019 — Projects / Event
Program: “Farocki Now: A Temporary Academy”, October 18-21, 2017, HKW & silent green, Berlin

A forum for workshops, presentations, and debates which explore the contemporary relevance of Harun Farocki’s work and thought, placing it in new contexts and activating its productive potential

September 18th, 2017 — Projects / Event
Forum Expanded: Think Film No. 5: Archival Constellations, February 16, 2017, silent green

The talk will include the screening of "Ronny und Harun spielen Theater" which is a short documentary of a staged scene from “Etwas wird sichtbar” (“Before Your Eyes Vietnam”), 1982.

February 16th, 2017 — Projects / Event
Exhibition: Learning Laboratories, December 3, 2016 – February 5, 2017, bak Utrecht

Architecture, Instructional Technology, and the Social Production of Pedagogical Space Around 1970

November 30th, 2016 — Projects / Research
HaFI 002: Harun Farocki: What Ought to Be Done

A working paper by Farocki (1975/76), a commentary by Tom Holert, Doreen Mende and Volker Pantenburg followed by a letter by Peter Nestler.

August 17th, 2016 — Projects / Publication

The Harun Farocki Institut (HaFI) is a charitable foundation trust established in 2015. Its official bodies, in accordance with the Articles of Association, are the Board of ...

January 23rd, 2016 —
Donation 01 (old)

In December 2018 we celebrated the three-year existence of HaFI together with the friends, the Farocki family, and our project partners, who all e...

January 23rd, 2016 —

Imprint: Harun Farocki Institut silent green Kulturquartier Plantagenstraße 31 D-13347 Berlin Germany Phone +49 (0)30 46 06 24 70...

January 23rd, 2016 —