Tag: Antje Ehmann
With an exhibition and a panel discussion.
September 16th, 2022 — Projects / Event Why is it that the visible is constantly privileged as something truth-bearing in modernity when, in many cases, it provides very little, or in some cases virtually no information at all?
An essay by HANS CARLSSON.
Part of "Coincidences in Prepositions", a publication program conceptualized to review questions, propositions and solutions that have been set up in the dis/continuities of many colonial milieus...
Volume 5, now released, brings together all of the texts published in the years 1986-2000 and offers insights into some of Farocki's seminal cinematic and installation works from this period.
With a donation you can support our work on the English autobiography.
September 15th, 2020 — About us / Support The Open Call runs until September 25, 2020.
Tonight: Opening of the retrospective of Harun Farocki's work for cinema and television at Kino Arsenal.
We were isolated individuals and simultaneously subsumed into a totality*
October 12th, 2016 — Projects / EventThe Harun Farocki Institut (HaFI) is a charitable foundation trust established in 2015. Its official bodies, in accordance with the Articles of Association, are the Board of ...
January 23rd, 2016 —