Terms and Conditions: Workshop “AI as Work. Terms and Conditions of Contemporary Image and Knowledge Production”, February 3, 2025, FH Potsdam
The international workshop “AI as Work. Terms and Conditions of Contemporary Image and Knowledge Production” will address the relationship between AI and work in order to open up more insights into this technology, which involves and affects various forms of human agencies and non-human agencies. The current spread of various AI platforms and services is based in particular on human labor3. On the one hand, the workshop will focus on the labor of “data workers,” who are distributed around the world and work under mostly precarious conditions to prepare data for machine learning. On the other hand, it will consider the unpaid labor for those texts and images that are automatically captured and used by AI companies and thus also form the basis for subsequent “data work.”
The researchers, practitioners and activists Ariana Dongus, Krystal Kauffman, Nicolas Malevé and Tianling Yang will provide inputs for discussions and exchanges on the role of work for artificial intelligence as well as its legal implications for working conditions and copyright. With the following impulses:
Krystal Kauffman: The Data Workers behind AI: Exploitation in the Industry and how to Prevent it
Ariana Dongus: Always in Beta? AI, Data, and Labor in Experimental Economies of Exclusion
Nicolas Malevé: The Vagaries of the Artistic Class in Generative AI
The workshop will focus on discussions between the speakers and all participants.
Mon. February 3, 3–7 p.m. (followed by a reception in the foyer)
Location: University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Hörsaal 011 (Haus D)
Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469 Potsdam
Admission is free, please register at: AI-work@emw-potsdam.de
More information on the EMW website.
The workshop is a collaboration between Media Studies in Potsdam (EMW, University of Potsdam & University oAS Potsdam) and HaFI in the framework of the research project “Terms and Conditions”.