The problem boils down to knowing how to inscribe oneself into a critical position that is likely to help one maintain a distanced relationship with these images. By DORK ZABUNYAN
26.05.2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 05Als Versuch, auf die Situation in der Ukraine zu reagieren, ist diese Ausgabe von Rosa Mercedes (Against „Special Operation“ Images) kritischen visuellen Diagnosen und der diagnostischen Kritik der Visualität in der Unmittelbarkeit des Krieges gewidmet. Vorschläge für Beiträge werden sehr gern (unter info@harun-farocki-institut.org) entgegengenommen!
The problem boils down to knowing how to inscribe oneself into a critical position that is likely to help one maintain a distanced relationship with these images. By DORK ZABUNYAN
26.05.2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 05Today, the “operational image” of the smart bomb and the drone robot has been joined and partly replaced by a wide array of image and text operations, which are constantly blurring the lines between old school propaganda, visual war reporting, citizen online journalism, open source image forensics and investigative aesthetics. By TOM HOLERT
21.05.2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 05A conversation on INTRODUCTION TO THE END OF AN ARGUMENT: (INTIFADA) SPEAKING FOR ONESELF…SPEAKING FOR OTHERS… by Jayce Salloum and Elia Suleiman in 1990 that took place two months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There, similar essentializations, demonizing or belittling Ukrainians and denying the historical legitimacy of the Ukrainian state, justify the “special operation” that this outright imperialist war has been cloaked as. By ALAA MANSOUR and PHILIP WIDMANN
17.01.2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 05"We collect these videos for future researchers and documentary filmmakers so that they could use the catalog and include these videos in their work (after coordinating the terms of use with their authors)." By DOCUDAYS UA
11.05.2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05A project to support Ukrainians who are recording the horrors of war. By TIMOTHY SNYDER
10.05.2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05We live with, through and by stories. We make stories alive, and they keep us alive, it's a two-way process. By MARICHKA LUKIANCHUK
14.04.2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05Der Ukraine-Krieg ist jetzt die dritte Großkrise hintereinander (nach der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise und der Pandemie), die aus dem Nichts zu kommen scheint. Sie kommt aber nicht aus dem Nichts, ebenso wenig wie die beiden anderen. Von MARK TERKESSIDIS
05.04.2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05In dem Versuch, zur Verbreitung von Informationen über Organisationen, Initiativen, Unterstützungs- und Hilfsnetzwerke beizutragen, soll diese Linkliste bereits existierende Sammlungen ergänzen; sie wird von nun an fortlaufend erweitert und aktualisiert werden.
13.03.2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05To oppose the epistemological assaults of the current war and the rule of operational images. Rosa Mercedes 05: Invitation to contribute
09.03.2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05