HaFI Presents #06:
 TARDO AGOSTO, Filippo Foscarini & Federico Cammarata, December 4, 2023, Arsenal Cinema

Sicily, 2020. In a godforsaken landscape, a sudden change in weather finally marks the end of a suffocating summer. A group of horses stands in the shade. A city has gone up in flames. TARDO AGOSTO is a journey through Sicily from the coast to the hinterland along the trail of a raging fire that burns and destroys everything in its path. This is accompanied by the personal story of a young Gambian shepherd who has migrated to Italy and assisted the birth of his daughter in Africa from a great distance. The documentary TARDO AGOSTO dives deep into the landscapes of a scarred island.

TARDO AGOSTO was nominated best international film at the 15th edition of Beldocs and and won the CG Entertainment Distribution Award at Cinema dei Popolis.

Filippo Foscarini is a currently a guest of the residency program at the Harun Farocki Institut with support of the German-French Cultural Institute  Kulturensemble (Goethe-Institut/Institut français, Palermo).

Tardo Agosto
Dirs.: Filippo Foscarini and Federico Cammarata, 2021, Italy, 47 min., DCP, Original version with Engl. subtitles

Mo. December 4, 2023, 8 p.m.
Screening and discussion
Guest: Filippo Foscarini and Federico Cammarata
Moderation: Clio Nicastro


Ort: Arsenal Cinema 1

November 28th, 2023 — Projects / Event